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Employee Giving Campaign
For over two decades, Dallas ISD employees have supported an employee-giving campaign that has made a significant impact on various charities in North Texas. This year, we are thrilled to collaborate with the Dallas Education Foundation (DEF), the philanthropic powerhouse behind Dallas ISD. Together, we can empower students and educators by providing them with the resources they need to thrive.
We understand that times can be challenging, but even a small contribution can make a significant difference. With the campaign kicking off on Febuary 4 and running through March 31, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and support our cause.
Whether it's a one-time donation or a recurring pledge, your support will amplify the positive change we can bring about together. Our primary objective is to allocate all funds raised towards DEF, guaranteeing that every dollar contributes to the betterment of our schools, teachers, students, and programs. Investing in our organization in this way is the most effective means of ensuring long-term benefits for our students.
Ways to Give
Set up a one-time donation or multiple deductions via credit/debit card.
View updates to our Dallas ISD donations. Login with your EAD username and password
Cash donations can be dropped off at 9400 NCX, Suite 1310 on Tuesdays between 12 - 4 p.m. Please email to ensure a DEF team member will be in the office to accept your donation directly. Secure all cash donations in a sealed envelope with the Cash Donation Form printed and attached to the front of the envelope. Please do not bring cash donations without filling out the required form.