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Dallas ISD E-Rate Program

Adrean White
E-Rate Specialist


District Hotline

(800) 530-1608
Report a Gift or Donation

A Hotline (1-800-530-1608) has been established to allow Dallas ISD employees and other persons to anonymously report any known, alleged, or suspected non-compliance. The Dallas ISD Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and includes prompts in English and Spanish.

The E-Rate program is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), an independent/not-for-profit corporation designated as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The E-Rate program provides affordable telecommunications and Internet access services to connect schools and libraries to the Internet. This support goes to service providers that provide discounts on eligible services to eligible schools, school districts, libraries, and consortia of these entities.

You may also contact the E-Rate Whistleblower's Hotline at 1-888-203-8100.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Dallas ISD E-Rate Program is to conduct all E-Rate activities in accordance with federal laws, state laws, local laws, and the Dallas ISD E-Rate Compliance Policy, plus oversee an ongoing awareness and training program for all Dallas ISD E-Rate personnel.