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Energy Programs

Energy Programs

Oncor Educational Facilities Partners Program

Oncor Educational Facilities Partners Program was created to provide viable energy efficiency and energy reduction solutions for K-12 public schools, located within Oncor’s service area. Dallas ISD submitted a combination of Bond Construction Program and District projects, including chiller replacements, roof replacements, and lighting retrofits, which earned rebate incentives. At no cost to the district, the Educational Facilities Program has helped minimize the impact of energy cost and eased budget pressures through energy savings and incentives. Dallas ISD’s participation in the program has generated over $800,000 in rebate incentives to date.

Campus-Based Incentive Program

The Campus-Based Incentive Program is an energy-saving(s) initiative that returns cost savings to each campus. Campuses successful in conserving energy receive 20 percent of the savings generated on a monthly basis.

Computer Power Management

Computer Power Management is a program implemented to completely shut down computers that are powered on but are not in use after hours. The purpose of the program is to establish computer power management requirements with the expectation of reducing electrical consumption throughout the District.

Watt Watchers

Watt Watchers is a District-sponsored energy conservation initiative. In previous years, the program was funded by the State Energy Conservation Office. The program has been instrumental in helping several school districts save energy and money by getting students involved in developing habits for best practices in energy reduction. The Watt Watchers program has been led by the district’s custodial staff, teachers, and sponsors, encouraging students to patrol the halls to reduce energy waste. 

Campus Audits

Campus Audits are conducted by the Energy Management Department to identify more extensive energy-saving opportunities in district facilities. Along with internal campus energy audits, the district has participated in The Energy Efficient School Partnership Program provided by the State Energy Conservation Office. At no cost to the district, this program has provided assistance from energy consulting firms to improve energy performance in several district facilities.

Energy Management Controls System EMS (Building Automation System)

The Energy Management System (EMS) controls much of the district’s air conditioning and heating systems. The remaining systems are controlled manually by the district’s custodial staff. The EMS allows the district to start and stop the HVAC systems through time scheduling. The HVAC systems are scheduled to operate during the schedule delineated in the Energy Conservation Guidelines. Requests for HVAC operation beyond the hours outlined in the District’s Energy Conservation Guidelines must be submitted at least 72 hours before the scheduled event. The request can be submitted using the form located under the helpful links tab.

HVAC Set Point Adjustments

HVAC Set Point Adjustments have been established to maintain the comfort level of occupants while managing the buildings energy consumption. The approved setpoints are as follows:

  • 69-71 degrees during the heating season (fall//winter)
  • 76-78 degrees during the cooling season (spring/summer)



3701 Botham Jean Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75215 (972) 925-4900