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Office of Institutional Research

The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) provides targeted data support to the district's schools and departments. Our goal is to provide teachers, principals, counselors, and central staff with access to meaningful summaries and analyses of assessment results so they may make curricular, instructional, and managerial decisions that improve students' learning. The following are some of our main products:

  • MyData Portal - a secure internet website providing teachers, administrators, and select district staff access to assessment data and analyses at the student and school levels
  • Campus Data Packets - annual reports of demographic and student performance statistics for schools, feeder groups, and the district
  • School and Classroom Effectiveness Indices - the district's value-added model, now incorporated into the district's Excellence Initiatives for teachers, principals, and assistant principals
  • Analyses of major assessments and related educational indicators for district's progress monitoring

Karla Genter, M.S.
Director, Office of Institutional Research
