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Public Education Grant (PEG)
The issuance of 2023 A–F ratings under the final 2023 rule is pending and subject to change based on judicial rulings or decisions from the 88th Legislature during a special "called" session. Due to the accountability pending ratings for the 2024-2025 school year, the Dallas ISD PEG campuses have not been identified. For additional questions, contact Antoinese Leake, Federal And State Accountability Manager, at 972-925-8074.
La emisión de calificaciones A-F de 2023 bajo la regla final de 2023 está pendiente y sujeta a cambios basados en fallos judiciales o decisiones de la Legislatura 88.ª durante una sesión especial "convocada". Debido a la rendición de cuentas pendientes de las calificaciones para el año escolar 2024-2025, las escuelas PEG de Dallas ISD no han sido identificados. Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con Antoinese Leake, Gerente de Responsabilidad Federal y Estatal, al 972-925-8074.
The following information below relates to the 2023-2024 school year.
The Public Education Grant (PEG), authorized under the Texas Education Code, has identified your student’s campus as a PEG campus. Campuses that received a scaled score below 60 in 2022 are placed on the 2023- 2024 PEG List.
If your child is enrolled at a PEG school, you have the option to have your student attend another campus for the 2023-2024 school year by applying for a PEG transfer. You will find the list of non-PEG school choices located at the following link:
Detailed information on the Public Education Grant (PEG) will be posted at the following link:
To apply for a PEG transfer, parents should complete and submit a PEG Transfer Application before May 1, 2023. The application can be mailed, e-mailed, or faxed to:
Office of Federal and State Accountability Dallas Independent School District
9400 N Central Expressway, Box 87, Dallas, Texas 75231
Fax (972) 794-3589
Telephone (972) 925-3106 (English)
Telephone (972) 925-6736 (Spanish)
Upon approval of the application, you will receive an acceptance letter from the Federal and State Accountability Office. The acceptance letter must be presented to the receiving campus when you register your student. District transportation is not provided to the new campus.