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Federal And State Accountability
Federal and State Accountability
Our Mission
Empowering leaders to transform schools to foster student success.
Our Vision
The Federal and State Accountability Department is committed to transforming our schools that need improvement, empowering campus leaders, and supporting student achievement.
Our Objective
The primary objective of the Office of Federal and State Accountability Department is to guide the Comprehensive, Targeted, and Additional Targeted Support Schools. The department will monitor and assist the schools identified under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) with preparing and implementing Targeted Improvement Plans that include targeted instructional interventions designed to close achievement gaps, as ESSA prescribes.
Our Schools
The "Closing the Gaps" domain of the state accountability system uses disaggregated data to determine achievement gaps among racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds, and other factors. The indicators included in this domain, as well as the domain’s construction, align the state accountability system with the “Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).” ESSA requires states to identify schools that are struggling. There are three categories of struggling schools that states must try to improve: Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS).
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools are identified by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). TEA annually ranks all Title I campuses based on Closing the Gaps scale scores. First, TEA determines the bottom five percent of Closing the Gaps outcomes by rank, ordering the scaled scores of Title I campuses by school type: elementary, middle, high school/ K–12, and alternative education accountability. TEA then determines which campuses fall in the bottom five percent for each school type. Title I campuses that rank in their school type’s bottom five percent are identified for CSI. Additionally, if any Title I or non-Title I campus does not attain a 66.7 percent six-year federal graduation rate for all student groups, the campus is identified for CSI.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) uses Closing the Gaps domain data to identify campuses that have consistently under-performing student groups. A student group that misses the targets in at least the same three indicators, for three consecutive years, is considered “consistently underperforming.” Data from 2019, 2022, and 2023 are considered consecutive years for 2023 Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) identification. Any campus not identified for CSI that has at least one consistently underperforming student group is identified for TSI. TSI identifies both Title I and non-Title I campuses. In alignment with ESSA, TSI identifications are determined annually using the disaggregated performance of the following student groups. The data saved by districts in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) by May 12, 2023, are used to determine demographics for accountability purposes.
African American
American Indian
Pacific Islander
Two or more races
Economically disadvantaged
Current special education
Emergent bilingual (EB) students/English learners(EL)
Continuously Enrolled (beginning with 2023)
Former Special education (beginning with 2023)
Additional Targeted Support (ATS) identification is based on a subset of TSI-identified campuses. ATS identifies both Title I and non-Title I campuses. Any TSI-identified campus has its identification escalated to ATS if it meets both ATS identification criteria. First, the campus must meet the identification for TSI by having at least one consistently underperforming student group. Second, the Closing the Gaps score for at least one consistently underperforming student group must be lower than the score used to identify the lowest performing five percent of each school type (the same cut point used to identify CSI). Any Title I campus identified for ATS for three consecutive years will be identified for CSI the following school year. Title I campuses will be escalated for the first time from ATS to CSI in August 2024 based on 2022, 2023, and 2024 accountability rating data. These campuses will be required to implement CSI interventions beginning in the 2024–25 school year.
Office of Federal and State Accountability
9400 North Central Expressway, 12th Floor Dallas, Texas 75231 Phone: (972) 925-3106