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Board of Control (B.O.C)
Campus Administrators shall determine the number of BOC meetings held on their campus. However, FASC highly recommends a minimum of one meeting per month.
The suggested quorum at each meeting is; three members for elementary schools and five members for secondary schools.
Board of Control Training Video
The following items should be prepared for each meeting. The agenda should be distributed to members two days prior to the meeting. The reviewed documentation should be retained with other activity fund records.
- B.O.C Agenda
- B.O.C Minutes Template
- Request for Purchase and Payment
- B.O.C_Review Log of Purchases and Payments
- Balance Summary Report (which reflects the available funds in the account & is run in Oracle).
- Any quotes from awarded Vendors: The purchase of fundraising products must follow compliance with all purchasing guidelines and requires prior approval, sufficient funds, and the use of the appropriate purchase method.
NOTE: The Principal, Bookkeeper, and Sponsor should strongly consider awarded vendors when expending 865 Student Activity Funds.