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Sponsor Training for Activity Funds

Welcome to the Activity Funds Sponsor's Resource Page

 This page was designed to assist campus sponsors and district staff in managing and accounting for funds collected for Campus & Student Activities. Activity Funds are used to promote the general welfare, education, and morale of all students currently attending the school and finance legitimate extracurricular activities.

Any staff member collecting activity funds must take the Sponsors' training annually and must obtain a copy of the Activity Funds Manual and Sponsor Handbook. The Sponsor training is designed for current and potential sponsors who will oversee student groups or organizations.

Each sponsor must pass the exam and have a signed Activity Funds Teacher/Sponsor Acknowledgement form on file with your current bookkeeper each school year.   Once you receive your certificate, you will need to save it on your desktop and forward a copy of the certificate to your bookkeeper for recordkeeping. 

         The online Sponsor training can be found in the district's Learning Management System; Cornerstone CMS.

In the search field, enter 24/25 Sponsor Activity Fund Certification. This will route you to the training.

First page of the PDF file: SponsorTrainingInstructions_1

   Office Managers/ Financial Clerks MAY NOT serve as a sponsor.

Laserfiche Financial Recap Form!!!!!!!

The Financial Recap form must be completed by the sponsor and submitted to the bookkeeper for Laserfiche submission within 10 days of the end of the fundraiser, except for commission-based fundraisers.

Commission-based fundraisers are those fundraisers that are handled by the company and the company provides a check for the school's portion (e.g., Scholastic Bookfair, Josten’s Lifetouch, etc)