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Meal Programs
Meals Available to all students FREE of Charge!
Food and Child Nutrition Services participates in a variety of programs that allows us to offer nutritious school meals to all students at no cost regardless of family income. We provide more than 1400,000 meals and snacks per day to students and staff throughout the district, and employ more than 1,000 team members.
School meals are served to students under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. Meals and snacks are also served through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Seamless Summer Option and the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program. Following the nutrition guidelines prescribed by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, we serve whole-grain rich products; low fat and fat free milk; 100% fruit and/or vegetable juices; and a variety of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables.
The Urban School Food Alliance (USFA) is one of our main partners. It was created by school food service professionals in 2012 to address the unique needs of the nation’s largest urban school districts. Dallas ISD was one of six original founding members. Since that time, USFA has grown into one of the most impactful organizations in the K-12 food service environment. Dallas ISD continues to be an active member in USFA, and contributes to the ongoing success of the organization. In return, Dallas ISD has access to best practices, professional expertise, and peer-to-peer learning from premier large urban districts across our country.
Free Meal
For a free meal, students must take 3 out of the 5 components from the school cafe. 1 of them must be a fruit or a veggie!
My School Bucks
Scan QR Code or click to download the app and add money to your child's account.