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Attendance For Credit
According to Texas State law, each student must be in attendance 90 percent of the days the class is offered. The implementation of the Attendance for Credit Initiative is to ensure that all students are in attendance 90 percent of the time a class is offered to certify successful accrual of credit or final grade.
Students who are passing their classes, but have excessive absences, will have the opportunity to regain credit or final grade for their classes by completing a principal's plan.
Determination of Credit
The Attendance Review Committee will review all documents for approval. Students will need 90 percent attendance rate, make-up work for academic seat time, and a passing grade of 70% or above in each class. An administrator signature is required for final approval.
Warning letters - When the student reaches five percent of the days any class is offered, notification will be sent to the parent or guardian.
Violation letters - When the student reaches ten percent of the days any class is offered, notification will be sent to the parent or guardian that their child may lose credit for the semester course due to attendance. However, the student may be eligible to participate in the principal's plan.
Reminder letters (elementary and middle) - are distributed at the 27th absences.
- Student in attendance at least 75 percent but less than 90 percent of the days a class is offered
- Earns a passing grade
Principal’s Plan
A student who is in attendance for at least 75 percent but less than 90 percent of the days a class is offered may be given credit or a final grade if the student completes a plan approved by the school's principal that provides for the student to meet the instructional requirements of the class. However, a student under the jurisdiction of a court in a criminal or juvenile justice proceeding may not receive credit or a final grade without the consent of the judge presiding over the student’s case.
- A written plan that is course specific.
- Academic seat time.
- Students are not required to spend a certain amount of time equal to time missed during regular school hours.
- Failure to participate in the principal's plan is denial of grade for elementary/middle schools and denial of credit for high schools.
Absences Defined
Absences that count towards the “90 Percent Rule”:
E – Excused Absence
Exemption: Medical-based excused absences with valid documentation
U – Unexcused Absence
Truancy, non-school activities and vacations
O – Out-of-School Suspension