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Health Education
Dallas ISD Health Education
The comprehensive health education program is an important part of the school curriculum in Dallas ISD. Starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school, it provides an introduction to the human body and to factors that prevent illness and promote or damage social, emotional, mental, and physical health.
The goal of health education is to provide instruction that allows youth to develop and sustain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. The understanding and application of these standards will allow students the ability to gather, interpret, and understand health information; achieve health literacy; and adapt to the ever-evolving science of health. The health education knowledge and skills should be presented to students in a positive manner to support the development of a healthy self-concept and responsible decision making. The standards will help students reinforce, foster, and apply positive character traits. There are essential skills that repeat throughout the five strands and embody the interconnection of health literacy. These skills include decision making, problem solving, goal setting, maintaining healthy relationships with self and others, seeking help and support, and recognizing various influences on health such as social, environmental, media, and genetic. These skills, developed early on and reinforced throughout a student's education, will foster mastery of health concepts. Health class educators are encouraged to partner with school counselors where available to schedule time for them to deliver classroom guidance lessons to help teach these essential competencies. |
Elementary School Health Education
- Part of the required curriculum in grades K-5/6
- Sufficient time and flexible learning arrangements for teaching and learning the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education
- SB9
- Health Education Content Standards are included in the school’s curriculum with the importance of nutrition, exercise, and prevention
- Health Education is included in the Coordinated School Health Program grades K-5/6
- Integration of health education content into other elementary school content and support areas such as health services and counseling services
- Implementation of human growth and development curriculum for grades 4-5
Middle School Health Education
- Health Education is a required curriculum and must be offered to ALL middle school students
- Sufficient time and flexible learning arrangements for teaching and learning the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education
- Health Education Content Standards are included in the school’s curriculum with the importance of nutrition, exercise, and prevention.
- Integration of instruction for health education in middle schools is included in the Coordinated School Health Program with a focus on the importance of nutrition, exercise, and prevention.
- Health Education standards will be integrated into the full-year 6th-grade physical education class.
- Each student who entered grade 6 before the 2019-2020 school year is required by the District to complete one semester of Health Education in grades 8.
- Beginning with students who enter grade 6 in or after the 2019-2020 school year, the District requires each student to complete one semester of Health Education in grade 8
- The following requirements shall be implemented through the Health Education classes or another content area as designated by campus administration:
- Sexual Health and Wellness Curriculum grade 8
- SB9 grades 6 and 8
- Health Education as a component of the district's Coordinated School Health Program
- Middle School Health Education does not count as a High School graduation credit.
High School Health Education
- Students in grades 9-12 are required to complete one-half (.5) credit of Health Education for graduation.
- The only approved substitution is a full year of Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness if taken in High School unless the student's parent/guardian provides written approval to opt out of the Health Education class and select another elective.
- Sufficient time and flexible learning arrangements for teaching and learning the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Health Education
- Health Education Content Standards are included in the school’s curriculum with the importance of nutrition, exercise, and prevention.
- High School Health Education instruction is aligned with the Assessment of Course Performance (ACP).
- The following requirements are implemented through the Health Education classes:
- Sexual Health and Wellness Curriculum
- SB9
- Health Education component of the district's Coordinated School Health Program
- Parenting and Paternity Awareness (p.a.p.a.) Curriculum
- Alcohol Awareness Curriculum
- Hands-Only CPR
Health Instruction FAQ
Parent Section for Secondary Health Instruction
Senate Bill 9
Passed during the 87th (2nd) Legislative Session, SENATE BILL 9 (SEN. HUFFMAN|WEST), requires schools beginning in the 2022-23 school year to educate students on dating violence, family violence, and child abuse. This instruction must be given at least once in middle school and again in high school.
SB 9 Curriculum by Grade Level
The grade levels listed are linked to grade-appropriate lessons over SB9 standards from the Injury and Violence Prevention and Safety strand and/or the Reproductive and Sexual Health strand of the Health TEKS for each specific grade level.
A student who is not opted-in to receive instruction over grade-appropriate SB 9 curriculum will receive an alternative lesson that does not cover any SB 9 topics.
Human Sexuality Instruction in Dallas ISD
Instruction on human sexual health is offered through Grade 4 Science, Grade 5 Science, Grade 6 Science, Grade 6 Health, Grade 8 Health, High School Biology, and High School Health courses. The curriculum unit is opt-in only, requiring parental consent prior to a student receiving instruction on the topic. A student who is not opted-in to receive instruction over grade-appropriate sexual health instruction will receive an alternative lesson that does cover any human sexual health topics.
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of forced labor and sex trafficking. As the world's fastest-growing criminal industry, it affects every nation across the globe. Every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery. Texas is currently among the top 3 states in the nation for human trafficking.
Child Abuse, Family Violence, Dating Violence, and Human Trafficking:
Parent purchase information for McGraw-Hill
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