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Contract Instructions

Dallas ISD Human Capital Management


Instructions for accessing your

Dallas ISD contract


Please read the instructions thoroughly and sign your contract within two weeks of receiving notification. Any questions regarding contracts should be emailed to


Contract Eligible employees are issued a contract which will be housed in Oracle. All employees of the district at initial time of hire were assisted in acquiring their Oracle User Name and Password. Please reference that information in order to gain access into your account.

Oracle Login

Option 1: District Computer

Located on a district computer is an Oracle Login icon

Oracle SSO
that will direct you to Oracle. You will double click on this icon and you will be directed here


Option 2: Home Computer

Dallas ISD portal


Once you have logged into your Oracle account you will follow the steps below.

Step 1: Select DISD Employee Self-Service

Oracle 1

Step 2: Select Employee Self-Service

Oracle self service


Step 3: Select Human Capital Management Information


Step 4: Select DISD Employee Contract Page

Contract page

Step 5: Select the pencil under Update to begin the process of taking action on your contract.

pencil edit


Step 6: Read the “Thank You” page and click “NEXT”.




Step 7: Read and agree to the notice regarding consent of electronic signature for DISD that is displayed by clicking the “I AGREE” button. This is not acceptance of your contract.

Step 8: Read your contract as it is displayed by selecting PDF Title of Contract.


Step 9: Accept or decline your contract by clicking on the appropriate button (“ACCEPT” or “DECLINE”).

a. You may not leave this field blank. You must accept or decline the contract. Failure to accept or decline the contract will be interpreted as declining the contract.

b. If you decline your contract, you must also submit a Separation from Employment form or S‐54 to Human Resources. Declining your contract does not automatically separate you from the district.

Step 10: Type your name EXACTLY as it is shown in the area designated to accept or decline your contract. Do not leave a space after the last character. If your name has an apostrophe in it, use the apostrophe on the key on the upper left corner of the keyboard next to the #1 key.   



Step 11: A confirmation page will be displayed. This page will identify the appropriate school year in which you have taken action for and what type of action was taken. 


Once you have accepted your contract through the DISD Employee Contract Page, you will be able to view and print your contract from MyRecords (Laserfiche) account.

 All contract employees are responsible for printing their own copies. Human Capital Management does not maintain hard copies of contracts.