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Dual Contracts

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Dual Contracts Frequently Asked Questions


Can a teacher’s coaching duties be terminated mid-year? How will that impact their pay?

It depends if the teacher is on a dual contract:

  • Coaching duties for a teacher on a dual contract cannot be terminated mid-year without good cause. District action concerning either assignment shall constitute the same action for the other assignment.
  • Coaching duties for a teacher not on a dual contract can be terminated mid-year as the coaching duties are considered supplemental duties.

Can teachers have their coaching duties change while employed under a dual contract?

  • An employee on a dual contract can be re-assigned different coaching duties prior to the school year starting or mid-year. If the change results in a decrease to the value of that stipend amount, the employee must be provided a 45-day written notice detailing the change prior to the contract starting or maintain the higher monetary value of the relevant stipends. Mid-Year changes to coaching duties that do not change the amount of supplemental pay received are allowed.

Can dual contracted employees resign from their coaching assignment without resigning from their teaching assignment?

  • No, you may not resign one assignment without resigning in both.
  • If a dual contract employee wishes to resign their coaching duties during the school year and the principal has a vacant teaching position at the same campus, the principal may chose to submit a recommendation to HCM for the employee to transfer into the teaching position, but is not obligated to do so. Subsequently, the employee would relinquish contractual rights of the dual contract to be released from the coaching-teaching position and transfer into the teaching position.

Who will conduct evaluations on Dual Assignment Teacher / Coaches?

The Campus Principal will conduct the teacher evaluation and the Campus Athletic Coordinator will conduct the coach evaluation with the assistance of the Department of Athletics. Only the teaching evaluation will impact TEI.

Will a dual contract employee receive their stipend pay while on leave?

While on leave, the prorated stipend will only be paid for the days that the employee has paid leave.  The stipend for coaching duties is a contractual obligation under the dual contract.  

Do assistant coaches receive dual contracts?

Yes, a teacher performing any coaching duty is eligible for a dual contract provided they teach and coach at the same campus.

When is the last day for an employee to receive a written notice of a coaching reassignment that results in a decrease in stipend amount for the next school year?

If an employee is to receive a change in coaching assignment for the upcoming school year, notification of the change must be given to the employee at least 45-days before the start of the new school year. 

Who is responsible for recommending Teacher/Athletic Coaches?

The Principal is responsible for recommending the Teacher/Athletic Coach for their campus by submitting a Hiring Manager Recommendation form to Human Capital Management. The principal must indicate on the recommendation that the candidate is recommended for both teaching and coaching assignment by selecting “Yes” in the appropriate field on the recommendation form and indicating what sport the teacher will be coaching. This information is imperative when issuing contracts for the school year.

If a teacher is coaching at a different school within their feeder pattern, are they eligible for a dual contract?

No, they are not eligible for a dual contract. The teaching and coaching duties must take place at the same campus in order to be eligible for a dual contract. They will receive a stipend only for fulfilling a supplemental duty.

If a current teacher begins coaching during the school year at the same campus, will they transition to dual contract at that time?

No, they will not transition to a dual contract at that time, however, they will receive the coaching stipend for the current year based on the time in that position.  Provided assignment locations stay the same, they will be eligible for a dual contract for the next school year. If the teacher is given a coaching assignment prior to the beginning of the school year, they must notify HCM in writing to relinquish their current contract and be issued a dual contract.

Will I be awarded a dual contract if I teach at a middle school, but coach at the high school?

No, they are not eligible for a dual contract. The teaching and coaching duties must take place at the same campus in order to be eligible for a dual contract.

Can any chapter 21 employee that coaches be eligible for a dual contract?

No, only teachers who coach at their same campus are eligible for a dual contract.  Counselors, CIC, AP, etc. are not eligible for a dual contract.

If I am impacted by Fall Leveling, can I lose my coaching assignment on a dual contract?

Dallas ISD will proactively attempt to assign all dual contract employees in a dual contract assignment. If in the event a dual contract assignment is not available, the employee will not be impacted financially for the remainder of the school year. For the upcoming school year, the employee will be responsible for securing a dual contract assignment or resign from their dual contract assignment.

If a teacher has multiple coaching assignments at different campuses, are they be eligible for a dual contract?

At least one of the coaching assignments must be at their teaching campus, in order to be eligible for a dual contract.