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Salute to Service - Service Recognition Awards

Each year, Dallas ISD recognizes team members who reach anniversary milestones in five-year increments as part of our Salute to Service. To be honored, you must have served in Dallas ISD for at least five years.

During its initial launch in the 2022-2023 school year, the Dallas ISD Salute to Service program distributed over 13,000 pins to employees, and honored over 350 employees with over 35 years of service.

Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, the Salute to Service program provided pins to over 5,000 employees reaching 5-year milestones. The Salute to Service program also expanded the Lifetime Achievement Award to include team members with over 30 years of service, distributing over 530 plaques.

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the Salute to Service program will provide earned pins and plaques to eligible employees reaching 5-year milestones according to the chart below.

Years of Service in Dallas ISD Award Earned
0-4 years of service in Dallas ISD No pin
5 years of service in Dallas ISD 5-year pin
10 years of service in Dallas ISD 10-year pin
15 years of service in Dallas ISD 15-year pin
20 years of service in Dallas ISD 20-year pin
25 years of service in Dallas ISD 25-year pin
30 years of service in Dallas ISD 30-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award
35 years of service in Dallas ISD 35-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award
40 years of service in Dallas ISD 40-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award
45 years of service in Dallas ISD 45-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award
50 years of service in Dallas ISD 50-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award
55 years of service in Dallas ISD 55-year pin + Lifetime Achievement Award

Salute to Service - Dallas ISD Lifetime Achievement Awards

Team members eligible to receive a lifetime achievement award in Dallas ISD are invited to the Salute to Service program and reception with District leaders.  In 2024, honorees ranged from teachers to plumbers to Deputy Chiefs and had a collective 12,500 years of service to our students in Dallas.  

Honorees were invited to bring a guest to the event and received a lifetime achievement plaque; special recognition was provided for employees with 50 or more years of district service.  

Service Awards - Salute to Service 2024

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(972) 925-4080 | 7:30 AM - 5 PM, Monday through Friday