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Defining Excellence

Dallas ISD is focused on improving the quality of instruction and placing an effective teacher in front of every child.

Image of TEI dallas isd teacher

TEI defines and evaluates excellence through three lenses: performance, student achievement and student experience surveys that encourage and reward excellence in the classroom and beyond.

Teacher Performance


The rubric describes in detail the teacher and student behaviors of excellent teachers as well as the performance levels along the continuum for each indicator. The rubric is comprised of 17 indicators of teacher practice across four domains.

student achievement


Student achievement is based on weighted sections focused on individual accountability and results in a testing environment. Dallas ISD uses not only raw scores but also relative growth measures as compared to their peers’ scores to measure student academic achievement. Through this system, TEI rewards significant academic improvement even if students are not yet proficient.

student experience


In an effort to encourage positive teacher-student relationships, students will have the opportunity to give feedback on their classroom experience with their teachers through student experience surveys.