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Legal Services
The Office of Legal Services helps district personnel avoid and resolve conflicts. This allows the District to develop its human capital and its capacity to serve students, employees, and the community by conserving precious resources, both human and financial, that the public entrusts to the District.
The office advises and represents the Board of Trustees, Superintendent of Schools, and administrators and others acting on the District's behalf.
What We Do
- advise and counsel on all matters having legal significance for the District
- oversee the defense of claims and litigation
- review and/or drafting legal documents like agreements and contracts
- help administrators stay informed about legal compliance issues
- respond to inquiries and investigations
- answer legal questions posed by the Superintendent of Schools and District administrators as they manage the business affairs of this large, complex organization
The content of this website may not be construed or relied upon as legal advice.
Contact Us
Phone: (972) 925-3250
Fax: (972) 925-3251
Info Request Fax: (972) 925-3230
Info Request Email:
Title IX Phone: (972) 581-4230
Title IX Email:
9400 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1675
Dallas, Texas 75231