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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the M/WBE Program and how can it help me?
A:  The M/WBE (Minority / Women Business Enterprise) Program was established to assist minority and women-owned businesses with pursuing Dallas ISD business opportunities in a legal and meaningful way.

The M/WBE Department provides:

  • M/WBE advocacy and support 
  • Information regarding M/WBE certifications, bonding and technical support
  • Webinars, training sessions, business development workshops and networkers
  • Resolutions regarding M/WBE compliance issues
  • Contract compliance, monitoring, and M/WBE reporting 
  • Internal Marketing Campaigns 
  • Philanthropic Support for Dallas ISD students and families 

Q: What type of firm qualifies as an M/WBE?
A: A business which is 51%, owned and controlled by minority groups or women. Minority groups are African American, Hispanic American, Asian American and Native American-owned businesses. All other American women not included in the above groups are eligible for WBE certification.

Q: Do I have to be certified as an M/WBE to do business with the district?
A: No, certification is not a requirement to do business with the district. However, certification can be advantageous to your business. We strongly recommend M/WBE certification(s).

Q: What certification(s) does the district recognize?
A: DISD recognizes the following certifications:

  • North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA)
  • State of Texas's Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) 8a and SDB
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA)
  • D/FW Minority Business Development Council
  • National Minority Supplier Development Council
  • City of Houston
  • Corpus Christi Transit Authority
  • Other Certifications may be considered on the individual basis

Q: What can M/WBEs do to increase their participation in the bidding process?
A: These simple steps can increase your opportunities with Dallas ISD.

  • Become certified
  • Attend pre-bid conferences, seminars, workshops sponsored by Dallas ISD
  • Establish and maintain contacts and relationships with prime contractors for potential business
  • Respond promptly to solicitation requests
  • Maintain open communication with the Dallas ISD
  • Update your contact information in the vendor registration portal

Q: How can I find out about the district's upcoming business opportunities?
A: The district publicizes its business opportunities using various advertising methods.

  • Bond Opportunities: 
  • Supplier Opportunities:
  • Local Newspapers
  • Chambers of Commerce and Technical Assistance Centers

Q: How long is the set-up process for a new vendor?
A: Vendor registration is completed through our iSupplier portal  It normally takes between 15 - 20 minutes to complete the registration process and approximately 72 hours for approval notification. 

Q: Who should complete the M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms?
A: The prime contractor is responsible for completing this document. For specific questions, contact the M/WBE Department at 972.925.4140.

Q: Does the District offer any financial assistance to companies that are awarded contracts?
A: Presently, there is no policy in place to provide financial assistance to suppliers.

Q: What kinds of products/services does the district purchase?
A: The district purchases a variety of products and services. 

Q: Is M/WBE a government set-aside program? Does it take business away from majority-owned businesses?
A: No, the district does not have a set-aside program, but actively seeks opportunities to utilize M/WBEs.

Q: What is the purpose of an Availability & Disparity Study (A&D)?

A: The A&D Study provides a legal foundation for race-based preference programs, such as the district's M/WBE Program. In accordance with the Supreme Court's ruling under the City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson, 48 U.S. 469, M/WBE Programs are highly commendable for their efforts to increase M/WBE utilization. However, they must be implemented in a constitutional manner. The A&D Study will provide the foundation for a "legally defensible" M/WBE Program.