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Mentor Protege

Mentor Protégé Program


The Mentor Protégé Program aims to stimulate the growth of minority-owned and women-owned businesses through education, business development, and training. A mentor should be willing to advise and support the Protégé and help identify the needs and skills of the Protégé.  

Dallas ISD's M/WBE Department does not have a Mentor Protégé Program.  The program is established and run by the prime vendor, who mentors the protégé.  A vendor can be awarded up to 3 points for hosting a Mentor Protégé Program with supporting documentation and a Mentor Protégé Agreement.

Program Description & Qualifications

A Protégé is an emerging business owner who is willing to learn and respect the experiences and expertise of a Mentor. The information received from the Mentor must be kept confidential.

The eligibility for a Protégé is:

  • Current Dallas ISD vendor
  • Is not debarred or suspended
  • A certified M/WBE vendor 
  • Has at least 51% equity in the business

A Mentor is an experienced business owner who exhibits proficient leadership, maintains confidentiality, is willing to counsel, and able to share their business knowledge, skills, and experiences with the Protégé.

The eligibility for a Mentor is:

  • Has at least 2 years of business operations experience
  • Willing to advise and support the Protégé and help identify the needs and skills of the Protégé
  • Possess financial stability with own business operations
  • Is not debarred or suspended

Sample Mentor Protégé Agreement Format

Mentor & Protégé Business Information

  • Name
  • Contact Person
  • Position/Title
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Website

M/WBE Certification:

Copy of Protégé's M/WBE Certification  

Mentor & Protégé Meetings

To be determined and agreed upon by the Mentor and Protégé


One year (minimum)

Assistance may include any of the following areas, but not be limited to:

  • Marketing to Dallas ISD
  • Potential joint venture/subcontracting opportunities
  • Business development, Technical and Financial assistance 
  • Purchasing/contracting techniques in regards to responding to bids/proposals
  • Assistance/training regarding professional licensing and certifications
  • M/WBE Certification (completing paperwork)

Potential Subcontractor/Joint Venture (Optional)

Joint Venture Agreements and/or subcontracting opportunities for existing and future contracts.

Mentor Termination Procedures (Agreement Termination Clause)

In the event of termination for cause, written notice shall be provided by the terminating party stating the reason for termination and offering a thirty day period during which the other party may offer reasons why the termination should not occur, including a plan to cure the reasons for the termination. After the M/WBE department reviews the response, the terminating party may elect to continue the program or issue a formal termination. In such case a formal termination letter is issued, the M/WBE Department will require the Mentor to establish another Mentor Protégé agreement. In no event is the termination subject to appeal of the M/WBE Department, other executives, or board of trustees.


Participants shall consent and hold harmless Dallas Independent School District, its employees, officials and board of trustees from and against all claims from any person, which arise out of or is related to participation in this Mentor/Protégé Program.  

Signed Agreement  & Requirements

  • Mentor Protege Agreement (must be signed by all parties, dated, and notarized)
  • Meeting minutes (must be signed by all parties, dated, and notarized)  
  • Progress reports (must be signed by all parties, dated, and notarized)  
  • Additional Deliverables (must be signed by all parties, dated, and notarized)  

All required Mentor Protégé documents must be submitted with the Dallas ISD M/WBE Compliance Guidelines and Forms during the submission of your proposal.