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Innovation Continuums

Office of Transformation and Innovation

Innovation Continuums

Instructional Model Continuums were created with in district stakeholders to identify best practices for innovation within specific models.  The purpose of the this tool is to support teams to have a shared language within the model and self identify a path for improvement.

  • Innovation Continuum
    • The Innovation Continuum is a baseline for innovation for instructional models not listed below.
  • STEM/STEAM Continuum Standards & Growth Indicators 
    • The STEM/STEAM Innovation Continuum is a tool that fosters a growth mindset as educators reflect and self-identify successes and areas of need. As we refine and grow in our practices, we ensure that each campus has the highest quality program for all students.
  • Leadership Innovation Continuum Standards & Growth Indicators
    • The Leadership Innovation Continuum is a tool that fosters a growth mindset as educators reflect and self-identify successes and areas of need. As we refine and grow in our practices, we ensure that each campus has the highest quality program for all students.
  • Montessori Public School Implementation Continuum  
    • Purpose: This document is intended to support Montessori schools within Dallas ISD as they seek to implement programs that align to the standards and practices as outlined by global Montessori organizations such as Association Montessori International (AMI) and American Montessori Society (AMS) and the expectations of Dallas ISD. The continuum is not designed to be evaluative and should be used in tandem with the practices taught by Maria Montessori regarding observation, the prepared environment, and the prepared adult. Please refer to supporting documents for a full understanding of the Dallas ISD Montessori philosophy. It is our belief that Public Montessori Can Work.
  • Dallas ISD IB Program Standards and Practices Continuum
    • Purpose: This document is intended to support IB World Schools within Dallas ISD as they seek to implement a program that aligns to the Standards and Practices as outlined by the  International Baccalaureate Organization. The continuum is not designed to be evaluative and should be used in tandem with resources and documents provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • Personalized Learning Readiness Continuum
    • The PL Readiness Continuum captures systems and actions at the campus level that help to establish personalized learning campuses. This continuum is carefully scaffolded across four levels of readiness and has been designed to identify where schools are at in their journey to true personalization.