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Walter Green

Lieutenant of Police
Walter Green
(972) 749-2320
Walter Green

Lieutenant Walter Green attended Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.  He began his law enforcement career as a Special Agent with the U. S. Treasury Department and has over 13 years working various white-collar investigations throughout the country.


Lieutenant Green was assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  He has been a Texas Peace Officer for over 25 years and holds a Master Peace Officer certification.  Lieutenant Green began his career with Dallas ISD Police Department as a Detective, where he worked various investigations including burglaries, robberies, and thefts.  He was promoted to Sergeant, and was responsible for the Internal Affairs Division.  As a Lieutenant, Green is a Commander in the Field Operations Division, overseeing the Police Explorer Program, and plays a major role in the Homeless Initiatives of the district.  He is a graduate of 55th School of Executive Leadership at the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration (ILEA).