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Contracts & Procurement Transparency Stars
We believe in providing our community with the information necessary regarding the contracting and procurement activities of the District. for that reason, we are committed to transparency. Our goal is to present the information in a format that is easily understandable and recognizable to all. As part of this continuing process, we have created the webpage to provide you with more access to many of our most important documents.
Procurement Summary
The Office of Procurement Services collaborates with schools, departments, vendors, and stakeholders to acquire the necessary resources through prudent purchasing and excellent customer service.
Vendors desiring to do business with Dallas ISD are encouraged to register for business opportunities via iSupplier (click here to register), our Vendor Management Platform, by submitting the required documentation to become registered vendors. After submission of the required documentation, vendors will be added as registered vendors within the categories selected by the vendor.
Expenditures per student are calculated using audited financial statement data for all funds (General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund & Non-Major Governmental Funds).
Contracts and Procurement Summary Fiscal Year 2022-2023
- Spending on Procurement and Contracting Activities .............................$1,728,034,663
- Spending on Procurement and Contracting Activities per Capita.............$1,224.09
- Total number of Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities Opened.........101
- Total number of Closed Bids/Solicitations or Awarded Contracts..............................91
- Total Dollar Amount of Bids Received from Invitations for Bids or RFPs................$1,043,229,388
- Total Dollar Amount Awarded from Contracts.............................$786,800,732
Total Value of Contracts by Business Sector Fiscal Year 2022-2023
- Construction Services............................................................$210,606,903
- Food and Child Nutrition Services.................................$38,187,648
- General Administration........................................................$229,405,108
- Information Technology......................................................$128,065,068
- Maintenance and Operations........................................$50,549,068
- Teaching and Learning..........................................................$129,941,938
- Total..................................................................$786,800,732
- Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities (Count)
- Total Number of Closed Bids/Solicitations or Awarded Contracts (1Y)
- Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities (Dollar Amount)
- Total Dollar Amount Awarded from Contracts
- Bidding and contracts for Past 3 Fiscal Years
- Check Registers
- Procurement Process Documents
- Contracting & Procurement Statute Links
Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities (Count)
Total Number of Closed Bids/Solicitations or Awarded Contracts (1Y)
Publicly Posted Bidding and Contracting Opportunities (Dollar Amount)
Total Dollar Amount Awarded from Contracts
Bidding and contracts for Past 3 Fiscal Years
Check Registers
Procurement Process Documents
Contracting & Procurement Statute Links