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Doing Business with Dallas ISD


The Dallas ISD Procurement Services Department is responsible for the procurement of goods and services for Dallas ISD. While striving to give the best service possible to support the educational mission of Dallas ISD, the Procurement Services Department ensures purchases are in compliance with Dallas ISD Board Policy as well as federal, state, and local laws. 

Procurement Services acquires goods and services, manages the procurement process, provides procurement guidance, and supports the District’s mission to be a premier urban school district, educating all students for success to be career and college ready. Procurement Services strives to control costs while ensuring the uninterrupted flow of products and services necessary to effectively and efficiently operate the District. Our goal is to acquire the necessary resources through prudent competitive purchasing practices and excellent customer service. The Procurement Services office is responsible for the following functions:

  • Procurement Management
  • Procurement Contracts and Requirements
  • Procurement Training and Workshops
  • i-Procurement and e-Commerce
  • Vendor Relations, Contact, and Communication
  • Vendor Registration

Vendors desiring to do business with Dallas ISD are encouraged to register for business opportunities via iSupplier, our Vendor Management Platform, by submitting the required documentation to become registered vendors.  After the submission of the required documentation, vendors will be added as registered vendors within the categories selected by the vendor. 

Registered vendors will receive solicitation documents/notifications for the categories selected; however, they are not permitted to sell to the District until they are awarded a contract/agreement with the District via competitive procurement, thereby making them awarded vendors.

Resources and Requirements

Dallas ISD Terms and Conditions

First page of the PDF file: StandardGeneralTermsandConditions-ApprovedbyLegal02-2024