description here
Vendor Registration
Allows Procurement Services to send out important communications to registered vendors, such as electronic bid & bid notifications.
*It is imperative that the vendor registration is complete and the vendor profile is updated annually, in order to become/remain active and benefit from the notification process.*
New Vendor Registration - Quick Reference Card
Registering as a Dallas ISD vendor does not guarantee that your business will be awarded a contract or purchase order to provide goods or services to Dallas ISD; however, they are not permitted to sell to the district until they are awarded a contract/agreement with the district via competitive procurements, thereby making them awarded vendors.
It shall be the sole responsibility of the vendor doing business with the Dallas ISD to maintain and update their current profile in the Vendor Registration. Keeping information current will help prevent processing delays.
Items to Update:
- Vendor W-9 (EIN)
- Contact Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
- Banking Information
- Desired Commodity Codes have been selected
If you do not desire to receive bids electronically, you can continue to download the files from our Webpage.
NOTE: Any questions regarding sourcing/e-bidding, email the buyer listed on the bid document.