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Path to Racial Equity - White Paper

In December 2017, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees took a bold step to address educational disparities by establishing the Racial Equity Office. This department was created to showcase our vision and mission for a more equitable world to ensure students, families, and community members felt the district’s support toward equity.

Dallas ISD and national nonprofit Education Resource Strategies are proud to unveil a digital document that outlines the district’s path to racial equity. This informational guide reveals six phases of work that set the foundation to establish an effective Racial Equity Office (REO). Dallas ISD’s REO has become a leading example for districts across the nation, a solid framework for other districts ready to begin critical racial equity work.

The work accomplished in Dallas ISD is an inspiring example for district leaders pursuing education resource equity in their own systems. Discover Dallas ISD’s approach to implementing a successful Racial Equity Office in “Forward: The Path to Racial Equity.”