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Pillar 3: Equitable Leadership & Outcomes
Advance racial, socio-economic, and educational equity practices and operating systems through coordinated, coherent, and accountable leadership at every level of the organization. This shall include practices of intentionally measuring, disaggregating, monitoring, and reporting on data for African American and English language learners to understand the impact of the District's systems on these two populations.
Equitable Leadership & Outcomes
Pillar metric: % of students with Proficient 1+ leaders
Racial Equity Priorities
The REO provides a network of support systems to ensure students have access to highly effective instructional leadership.
- Theory of Action High Priority Campuses (HPC) receive additional discretionary funds ($15K) to advance instruction for AA students.
- HPC Leader Stipends incentivize highly effective leaders to serve at schools with the greatest needs to close achievement and opportunity gaps for AA students.
- Equity Assessment Framework offers a clear process to guide central office and campus staff with making equitable decisions (i.e., allocating finances, selecting resources, developing initiatives, etc.) for students.
- Principal Equity Dashboard assists campus leaders with making equitable instructional decisions for students by displaying demographic data for AA students as compared to all other students on the campus. Principals can view attendance, program, behavior, academic performance, teacher assignments, etc. to ensure students receive differentiated and additional opportunities and supports.
- Equity Progress Team is a cross-functional team of central office leaders who collaborate with the REO to identify systemic disparities, conduct root cause analysis, develop SMART goals, and implement strategies to eliminate racial equity gaps. Goal progress is frequently measured, monitored, and reported to internal and external stakeholders.
Equitable Leadership Pillar Metric
Pillar 3 Metric: For this pillar, we assess students’ access to high-quality instructional leadership, measured through the percent of students attending a school led by a principal who was rated Proficient I or higher on PEI.
Target: Our target for this measure is based on the percentage of principals identified as Proficient I or higher on PEI. As a result, the target may shift slightly between years.
Equitable Leadership & Operations: Elementary
Equitable Leadership & Operations: Secondary