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Frazier House

4600 Spring Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210
(972) 749-5703

Frazier House is a Dallas ISD collaboration with community nonprofits and service organizations to provide educational support, skills training and social services in South Dallas.

Programs and services include:

Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Outreach Center 

The Outreach Center fulfills its mission of creating self-sustaining pathways out of poverty for youth and families by offering the following services and programs:

  • Basic Education
    Adult Basic Education Classes | English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes | High School Equivalency Classes | Adult Literacy Classes
  • Career Development
    Resume Writing | Interviewing Techniques | Work Readiness Skills | Dress for Success
  • Skills Training and Job Placement
    Computer Classes | Data Entry | Customer Service | Trade Classes | Entrepreneurial Classes | Low Voltage Training | Urban Gardening | Call Center Training | Various Certifications
  • Parent Workshops
    Financial Literacy | Parenting Classes | Independent Literacy Classes

Please email or call 972-925-4646 to find out how you can receive these services.

For information about other services offered by Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. Community Outreach Center in the Dallas Metroplex visit

Educational Opportunity Center

The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) program offered by The University of Texas at Arlington is a valuable resource for students and their legal guardians who seek to pursue education. The program is specifically tailored to help students aged 18 and above who are exploring different educational paths, including Adult Basic Education or High School Equivalency programs, and pursuing higher education in colleges, universities, or vocational schools.

With EOC, students and legal guardians can meet with an experienced educational advisor at the Frazier House who will provide personalized assistance to help them set educational or career goals. The Educational Advisor will work closely with participants to develop a comprehensive plan to achieve their goals.


  • Be a resident of either Dallas or Tarrant County
  • Have never attended, or previously attended but stopped out of, a post-secondary education or training program
  • Have not already graduated with a bachelor’s degree
  • Must be a US citizen, permanent resident, or show intent to become a permanent resident of the United States
  • Are 19 years and older (exceptions can be made for high school seniors who do not have a TRIO program at their school, or youth who have stopped out of high school)

To get started today, email or call 817-272-2607.