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School Safety and Security Committee
Texas Education Code (TEC) 37.109 mandates that each school district in Texas establish a School Safety and Security Committee (SSSC) in accordance with the guidelines established by the Texas School Safety Center. The Committee's membership includes District and Campus Administrators, Department Directors, Board of Trustee Members, Community Stakeholders, Local Emergency Management Officials, Law Enforcement, and Fire and Medical Personnel.
The responsibilities of the SSSC shall include, but are not limited to:
- Developing and implementing emergency plans consistent with the District multi-hazard emergency operations plan to ensure that specific campus, facility, and support service needs are addressed.
- Periodically providing recommendations to the Board and Superintendent regarding updating the district multi-hazard emergency operations plan, in accordance with established best practices.
- Providing the District with any campus, facility, or support services information required in connection with safety and security audits or other reports.
- Reviewing each report required to be submitted by the district to the Texas School Safety Center to ensure that the report contains accurate and complete information regarding each campus, facility, and support services in accordance with established criteria.
- Consulting with local law enforcement agencies on methods to increase law enforcement presence near district campuses.
How can I learn more?
Detailed information about the SSSC can be found in the SSSC Bylaws.