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Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
Providing family support and educating Deaf or Hard of Hearing students through a full continuum of services in a learning environment that addresses their communication modality, language development, and self-advocacy skills that will positively impact students’ future.
The Dallas Regional Day School Program for the Deaf is a program that serves students with varying degrees of hearing loss that severely affects their processing of linguist information, with or without amplification, which adversely affects the student’s academic performance.
Dallas RDSPD provides a full continuum of services based upon each student’s individual needs as determined by assessment and the ARD committee. Services may include:
- Parent/Infant (ages 0-3); services are provided in the home.
- Services for early childhood through high school (ages 3-22); services are provided in centralized campuses located throughout the district.are available for early childhood through
- Itinerant services (ages 3-22); itinerant teachers provide support to students enrolled in general education or basic special education programs on their home school campus.
Students are instructed in their or their family's preferred mode of communication. Dallas RDSPD currently utilizes two different communication modes in the program
- Auditory/oral Communication- students utilize their hearing technology and speech to communicate and receive instructions.
- Total Communication - students may utilize some type of hearing technology, a signing system, gestures and lip reading to communicate and receive instruction. Dallas RDSPD currently utilizes Conceptually Accurate Signed English (CASE), as the signing system.
- Assisted listening devices are provided when recommended by the RDSPD audiologist.
Sign language interpreting/transliterating is provided in the general education setting and for before and after school educational activities.
Deaf Education counselors are available to students if recommended through evaluation and the ARD process.
Students can fully participate through extra-curricular sports, clubs, and campus activities. Parent groups encourage family and community involvement.
Contact Us
Tina Vaguine
Manager RDSPD
Stacey Giard
Lead Techer, Preschool & Itinerant
Sabrina Hurd
Lead Teacher, Elementary and Secondary
Carol West-Harris
Lead Interpreter Coordinator
Jennifer Cook
Deaf-Blink Instructional Specialist
Militza Torregrosa, AuD
Audiology Coordinator