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Specialized Programs (ADL, FLS, TC)
Specialized Programs Vision Statement
To provide a spectrum of innovative support for individuals with disabilities so they may live more independently by developing and disseminating essential skills, knowledge, and values through research, teaching, and service based on individual needs.
A specialized program placement is a place for students with significant cognitive disabilities to excel. Several factors should be considered when recommending a more restrictive instructional environment such as the Specialized Program.
Placement Criteria
Has a significant cognitive disability
Requires individualized instruction that is neither temporary nor limited to specific content areas
Requires extensive, repeated, specialized supports and materials beyond the support typical peers require
Has a limited ability to apply social and practical skills such as personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing and eating, using money, and other functional skills across life domains
Needs modified materials to access information in alternate ways to acquire, maintain, generalize, demonstrate and transfer skills across all settings
Demonstrates adaptive behaviors that are significantly impaired that most likely will impact the student’s ability to live independently and will require specialized support for the student to function safely in daily life across all life domains, not just the school environment
Requires a highly specialized educational program with intensive support and modifications to the curriculum to access the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) through prerequisite skills that are significantly below grade-level instruction
The decision is NOT based on a student’s racial or economic background, English learner status, excessive or extended absences, location of service delivery, anticipated disruptive behavior or emotional distress, or any other such factors.