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SDMS Professional Development
Email | Phone (972) 794-3550
Attaching Audio/Video Files in EdPlan (0.5 Hours)
Need to know how to attach an audio and/or video to a student's IEP in EdPlan? This session covers step-by-step instructions for attaching electronically produced files in the EdPlan/EasyIEP application.
FIE Writer (2.5 hours)
FIE Writer for Special Education Central Staff provides an introduction and overview about the evaluation module of the EdPlan case management system. The FIE Writer module will be used to demonstrate documentation of a Full and Individual Evaluation event for referred students to special education, as well as re-evaluation for active students. After completion of this session, access to the EdPlan/EasyIEP application will be established based on the attendee's title.
EdPlan/Special Education Overview (3.5 Hours)
EdPlan/Special Education Overview is specifically designed for users who will have Read-Only access. A read-only user will have the ability to view student information and run reports.
EasyIEP Intro (3.5 hours)
EasyIEP Intro provides an introduction and overview of the EdPlan case management system. Primary learning objectives include the user becoming familiar with the functionality of the EdPlan/EasyIEP system; navigating through the sections of an ARD/IEP event; and creating an ARD/IEP document. After completion of this session, access to the EdPlan/EasyIEP application will be established based on the attendee's title.
Got IEP questions? EasyIEP Q&A provides the "help desk" experience for your functionality inquiries. Bring your IEP questions and let SDMS staff assist on the spot!
Completing the Transfer Process (3.5 hours) New 2024-2025
Completing the Transfer Process session explores the process in completing documentation in EdPlan when a special education student transfers into the district. This session is for special education teachers, case managers, and other special education staff who have access to EdPlan.
PEIMS! PEIMS! PEIMS! sessions are designed for Special Education Teachers, Campus Administrators, and Special Education Central Staff. During these sessions SDMS staff will be available to assist with campus’ PEIMS errors.
Progress Monitoring in Progress Track (3.5 Hours)
Progress Monitoring in Progress Track provides an introduction and overview of Progress Track in the EdPlan case management system. Primary learning objectives include the user becoming familiar with the functionality of Progress Track; navigating through objective set up, data entry, and Progress Monitoring Student Summary Document.
EasyTrac/Wizards (3.5 Hours)
EasyTRAC/Wizards provides an introduction and overview of EasyTRAC/Wizards in the EdPlan case management system. Primary learning objectives include the user becoming familiar with the functionality of EasyTRAC/Wizards and Logbook reports.
Reports for Special Education Teachers and Staff (2.0 Hours)
If you are a Special Education Teacher/Special Education Staff AND have access to EasyIEP, reporting capability is beneficial for managing your caseload. Join SDMS staff for a demonstration about generating custom Special Education reports. In addition, several reports will be highlighted including explanation of data captured within those reports. Although not required to attend the training, VPN is required to run reports from a non-DISD location such as your home.