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Reasonable Assurance Notice
Substitute Office
Dallas Independent School District
9400 North Central Expressway, Suite 1400 Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: (972) 925-5420
How to access the Absence Management system?
District employees
2023-2024 Substitute Reasonable Assurance Form
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Substitute Office will send the electronic re-enrollment forms to your district email via DocuSign. All substitutes are required to review & electronically sign the document by June 15, 2022, if you plan to return in the fall as a substitute. Substitutes will receive a unique link with instructions to sign the document electronically.
If you have forgotten your email address or password, please contact TAC at 972-925-5630
2023-2024 Substitute Reasonable Assurance
Substitute Tools
- Employee Handbook
- Substitute Benefits
- 2023-2024 Student Calendar (Base)
- 2023-2024 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods
- 2023-2024 Map of Schools
- 2023-2024 Compensation Handbook
Important District Policies
- Bullying/Harassment
- Child Abuse
- Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- Drug-free Workplace
- Student Discipline
- Searches and Alcohol and Drug Testing
Locate Your School