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Substitute Pay Rates

Dallas ISD Human Capital Management
Dallas Independent School District
9400 North Central Expressway, Suite 1400
Dallas, TX  75231
Phone: (972) 925-5420
How to access the Absence Management system?
Important Update: Substitutes Now Using SSO to Access Absence Management System

Effective immediately, all substitutes are required to use Single Sign-On (SSO) to access the Absence Management system.

Substitutes Please use the following link to access the system via SSO: SSO Login for Substitutes

Substitute Pay Rates

Position Daily Rates Qualifications
TEACHER ASSISTANT | OFFICE MANAGER | CLERK $88.00/DAY Accredited high school diploma or equivalent
TEACHER NON-DEGREED| NON-CERTIFIED $110.00/DAY 60 or more credit hours from an accredited university (preferred)
TEACHER DEGREED | NON-CERTIFIED $115.00/DAY Bachelor degree or higher from an accredited university
TEACHER DEGREED | CERTIFIED $120.00 DAY Degree from an accredited university & certification
TEACHER DALLAS ISD RETIRED | CERTIFIED $130.00/DAY Degree from an accredited university & certification
NURSE $260.00/DAY Degree from an accredited university & license
COUNSELOR $270.00/DAY Degree from an accredited university & certification
ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL $289.36/DAY Degree from an accredited university & certification
PRINCIPAL $384.50/DAY Degree from an accredited university & certification