Returning Surplus Materials
This file includes infographics on the overview of what to expect from requesting a surplus pick-up, a list of common icons, and step-by-step instructions (with screenshots) on how to submit a surplus adjustment.
Textbook Ordering Process
This file includes infographics on the overview of what to expect from submitting your requisition to receiving the materials, a list of common icons, and step-by-step instructions (with screenshots) on how to submit an order for textbooks.
State List Codes (SLC)
SLC codes are the easiest way to search for instructional materials within TIPWeb. Each SLC code corresponds to a specific subject and grade. This file contains a list of SLC codes (organized by grade) for state-adopted materials.
Tip-Web Campus Training Manual
This training manual contains instructions on everything from submitting orders to running reports to distribution. If you have a question about how to do a task in TIPWeb-IM, you will likely find the answers here. There are screenshots and graphics alongside step-by-step instructions for each task.
Campus Audit
This file includes infographics on how to complete an audit of the instructional materials on your campus.
Distributing Books to Teachers
This file includes infographics on how to distribute individual materials to teachers, which makes audits much easier to complete because this allows you to track where every item goes when it leaves the bookroom.