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Dallas ISD Visual and Performing Arts Header

Elementary Programs

The Elementary Division of the Dallas ISD Visual and Performing Arts Department provides inspired instruction and culturally responsive learning experiences to over 70,000 students, grades PreK - 6th. The foundations for critical analysis, creativity, and disciplinary literacy are established through robust programs including general music, visual arts, dance, and theater along with specialized classes in piano, band, and elementary strings. After school opportunities for students include choir, modern band, and art clubs. It is our desire to provide elementary students with a safe space in which to foster a passion for the arts that will carry on through middle and high school and the rest of their lives.

Secondary Programs

The Secondary Division of the Visual and Performing Arts Department provides intentional instructional support and resources for fine arts at the middle and high school levels.  Through visual art, theatre, instrumental music, dance, and choral/general music programming students are offered learning experiences and competitive opportunities that promote disciplinary literacy, creativity, critical thinking, and leadership.