• Oran M. Roberts Elementary

    Parent Policy


    At Oran M. Roberts Elementary School, the administration and staff will work together with parents and community members to determine the needs of the school. The Site Based Decision Making Committee serves a vital role in parent communication. Once a month the committee gets together to communicate and discuss progress of the school action plan and other needs related to the school learning community. Our SBDM will develop a plan to make decisions that will benefit the students and school as outlined by the school action plan. Parents, community members and representatives are asked to participate with teachers and school staff in the SBDM meetings.

    At the beginning of each school year and as needed or requested, parents will be informed of the school's Parental Involvement Policy and Parent Compact. This information will be related to parents through the school's newsletters and flyers sent home with the students, parent meetings, and school phone calls.

    All teachers will meet with parents to share information concerning student performance through district scheduled parent/teacher conferences, conference calls, Parent Portal and/or email. Other classroom visitations will be requested by either the parent or the teacher and scheduled accordingly. A description of the school’s curriculum is available to all parents upon request.

    The staff at Oran M. Roberts Elementary will host parent informational meetings and workshops to discuss school programs and opportunities to encourage parent participation in the educational experience of their children. Principal Padro will promptly address any parent concerns.

    Parent workshops and informational meetings are held throughout the school year and every single day, all parents are asked to read to and with their children at home. Teachers and other staff members will encourage parents to effectively support their child's development and progress from birth through school age by participating in programs such as EPIC, Hippy, Parent University and others. Parents will work closely with teachers and will participate in helping their child with homework and reading at home.

    At Oran M. Roberts Elementary, parents are encouraged to praise their children, help and ask them questions about homework and other school projects. Nearby businesses are communicated with concerning donations, discounts and proper gifts and giveaways from their establishments. The school nurse, counselor and community liaison advise parents to the district's Youth and Family Resource Centers. Informational brochures and other relatable documents are made available to parents located in the Parent Center.