•             volunteer
    Volunteer With Dallas ISD


    Complete Volunteer Application and watch Orientation online at VOLY

    In the interest of children's safety and well-being, state law and district policy require that all Dallas ISD volunteers (students between age 13-17 and District Employees are exempt) complete the district's volunteer application which includes a Criminal Record Check. Applications must be renewed each school year. The background screening report can take up to 72 hours to process.  While you wait, complete the 10 minutes online orientation complete with e-signature for easy documentation. 

    At schools with strong community engagement teachers have higher levels of job satisfaction, and students are more motivated and have higher educational aspirations.  

    Whatever your skills, interests, or availability we've got an opportunity for you.  

    Click here to go to VOLY! https://dallasisd.voly.org/ 
    Volunteer Opportunities 
    1. Tell stories to children
    2. Listen to children read
    3. Conduct flash card drills
    4. Provide individual help
    5. Assist in learning centers
    6. Set up learning centers
    7. Help contact parents
    8. Reproduce materials
    9. Work in clinic or media center
    10. Check out audio-visual equipment
    11. Practice vocabulary with non-English speaking
    12. Make instructional games
    13. Play instructional games
    14. Play games at recess
    15. Assist with visual tests
    16. Prepare visual materials
    17. Develop programmed materials
    18. Grade papers
    19. Prepare bulletin boards
    20. Help with book fairs
    21. Help underachievers
    22. Reinforce reading fluency
    23. Help select library books
    24. Assist with field trips
    25. Make props for plays
    26. Set-up or run bookstore or book exchange
    27. Gather resource materials
    28. Help children learn to type
    29. Help children with arts and crafts
    30. Help with cooking projects
    31. Check-out books from the library
    32. Set-up experiments
    33. Take attendance
    34. Collect lunch money
    35. Escort children to bathroom, media center, cafeteria, etc
    36. Work on perceptual activities
    37. Make list of library resources
    38. Prepare teaching materials
    39. Work with handicapped child
    40. Record grades
    41. Supervise test taking session
    42. Discuss careers or hobbies 43. Show a film to a group
    43. Help young children with physical activities
    44. Reinforce learning the alphabet
    45. Reinforce recognition of numbers
    46. Drill recognition of color words
    47. Talk to children. Be a friend
    48. Help children with motor skill problems
    49. Help children learn a foreign language
    50. Play a musical instrument
    51. Help students play instruments
    52. Make puppets
    53. Dramatize a story
    54. Help with handwriting practice
    55. Set up “grocery store” to practice math skills
    56. Drill spelling words
    57. Tell stories
    58. - with puppets
    59. - with flannel board