In our Art program, students dive into a wide variety of artistic mediums and techniques. Throughout the year, they’ll explore various forms of creating such as: drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. We emphasize art history and the study of different cultures, inspiring our students to create work that reflects a global perspective. Additionally, select students proudly compete in the TEAM competition for 4th and 5th graders and the Jr. VASE for middle school students, as well as display student work in DISD’s Youth Art Month exhibit. We cap off the year with an exciting Spring art show, where our artists get to display their creations for our community.From exploring elements of art and principles of design to experimenting with various art forms, our program is designed to nurture creativity, critical thinking, and artistic expression in every student.
DanceRosemont Dance Department is one of the only programs in Dallas ISD that offers dance to every student from Pre-K through fifth grade, with the option to continue study on a deeper level in 6th-8th grade. Once a week our elementary grade levels participate in dance class and learn a variety of techniques from ballet, modern, African, Folklorico, hip-hop, and jazz. Additionally, all dancers study dance history, choreography, and basic anatomy. If students elect to continue their dance study in middle school, you’ll get to see them shine with pride onstage every Fall and Spring in our dance department showcases. Don’t forget to check out our amazing dance company extracurricular offerings for dancers in 3rd-8th grade. Rosemont Dance Department is the vibrant, ambitious, and expressive place to be!
From researching the habitats of owls, to read-alouds, to talking with Alaskan mushers in real time, to searching for that-just-right-book, our libraries are beehives of activity! Both campuses have full-time librarians who maintain collections available for all students, teachers, and parents to check-out.
We have books, magazines, and audio-visual materials accessible in English, Spanish, English-Spanish bilingual, American Sign Language/Braille, and even Vietnamese. How’s that for serving the community? We also host interactive video conferences, making real-time connections with folks across Texas and North America. Students use the libraries for multiple research purposes, both independently and with their entire classes, and participate in several reading incentive programs. Last year alone, the libraries circulated over 50,000 items and checked out an average of 51 items per student.This year Arcadia Park Library has welcomed a partnership with us in order to provide student access to books. Three to four times a year, our students walk a couple of blocks to Arcadia Park Library to check out books. We appreciate their willingness to loan books to our students during our renovations.
OrchestraOrchestras perform a wide repertoire of music, from classical symphonies and operas to contemporary works and film scores. They are commonly led by a conductor, who coordinates the performance, interprets the music, and ensures cohesion among the musicians. The conductor’s role is crucial for achieving a unified interpretation and maintaining the balance and dynamics of the performance.
Orchestras are central to many cultural and artistic events, including concert series, recordings, and collaborations with soloists and composers. They serve as a vital medium for exploring and expressing complex musical ideas, fostering artistic expression, and providing audiences with profound and immersive listening experiences.
The orchestra's ability to combine a diverse array of instruments into a cohesive and dynamic sound makes it a powerful vehicle for musical expression. Its historical roots trace back to the early Baroque period, and it continues to evolve, embracing new compositions and innovative practices while honoring traditional repertoire.
All upper campus students take music or choir and delve deeper into fundamentals such as appreciating music from around the world, playing a variety of percussion instruments with improvisation, using our voices as instruments to sing, analyzing and recognizing rhythmic and melodic elements in aural examples using appropriate vocabulary, and performing folk dances and play parties. These experiences bring joy and meaning to our music or choir classes.
Rosemont music students also have the opportunity to go on field trips to music venues such as the Wind Symphony Orchestra or Dallas Symphony Orchestra, join an after-school choir, and perform in Choir Concerts. Rosemont MS Choir students will have the chance to participate in the DISD All City Honor Choir Tryouts, DISD All City Honor Choir Clinic and Concert, TMEA Region Honor Choir Tryouts, TMEA Region Honor Choir Clinic and Concert, Pre-UIL, UIL, UNT Virtual Vocal Class, and UNT tour.
Our program is designed to use music to create joyful and meaningful experiences. Through music and choir, you’ll be inspired to think critically, collaborate with others, and build your confidence. As you explore musicality and cultural diversity, you’ll unlock your creativity and find new ways to express yourself. We believe that the study of fine arts, particularly music or choir, is key to developing a well-rounded and independent individual.
Physical Education
Where do students go to run, jump, hit or kick a ball, find out about good nutrition, or feel good about themselves? The Rosemont gyms, of course! Our physical education program strives to make all students aware of the benefits of good health and physical activity for life. Students study the human body, nutrition and fitness. They practice loco-motor skills, throwing and catching, jumping and landing, chasing, fleeing, and dodging, jumping a rope, dribbling, weight transfer, and striking an object with an instrument. Additionally, Texas law requires students in grades three and above to complete a fitness test.The PE department’s banner activities are Hoops for Heart at the upper campus, Jump Rope for Heart at the lower campus, and Field Days for both schools.