Lone Star Governance
The intention of Lone Star Governance is to provide a continuous improvement model for governing teams (Boards in collaboration with their Superintendents) that choose to intensively focus on one primary objective: improving student outcomes. Lone Star Governance accomplishes this intense focus through tailored execution of the five points of the Texas Framework For School Board Development: Vision, Accountability, Structure, Unity, and Advocacy.
Texas school districts and charters are overseen by school boards. The boards of independent school districts are elected by the citizens of their communities, while the boards of charter schools are appointed.
In each instance, the school board oversees the management of the district or charter school and ensures that the superintendent implements and monitors district operations. The board and the superintendent work together as a team to bring about the best education possible for the boys and girls they serve.
To make sure they carry their job out appropriately, school trustees are required to receive training in the laws and rules of the state education system.
Should the management of a district or charter fail to carry out its duty, the commissioner of education has the authority to impose a sanction by installing a monitor, conservator or board of managers. At any given time, only about a dozen of the more than than 1,200 school districts and charters receive this type of school governance intervention.