Technology Integration
Welcome to the Technology Integration Center at MLK! TIC is eager to help our students learn how to use computer and mobile technology. We have several options, which include two computer labs, COWs (computer on wheels), ELMOs, digital classrooms, and IPADs. Since our students are in a digital era, we are providing them with skills that help close the gaps by integrating technology in core academics. The campus technology enables learning where students can apply knowledge and skills learned in the core classroom using computer technology applications and Reading/Math/Science/SS enrichment.
We are so excited and so are the kids! Parents if you want to help your child master the skills taught during the day at school, here are some websites you can use at home with your child. Together, we make a difference in your child's life.
Capture the Attention of our 21st Century Learners
Digital Learners
(PK-2) www.starfall.com
(K-2) www.istation.com
(All) www.abcya.com
(2nd-4th) http://www.rmcity.org
(4th-5th) http://thinkthroughmath.com