What is the Pre-Law?
This sequence of courses is an innovative instructional approach that introduces students to law related curriculum and career skills. Students examine the development of law, our constitutional government, careers in law, legal research, and community service. The classroom extends beyond the walls of the school building to include living laboratory experiences with the Dallas legal community. These experiences include on site study visits with law schools, the courts, city hall, federal agencies and departments, county government, and law offices. Additionally, internships at many of these locations provide students with hands on experiences in law related careers.
Pre-Law Cluster Content/Topics
- First Year Courses:
- Career Exploration
- Constitution Study
- Court Systems
- Legislative processes
- International Relations
- Study Skills
- Community Service
- Second Year Courses:
- Mentoring Program
- Involvement with the Downtown Legal Community
- Government Studies
- Legal Research
- Internship Preparation
- Special Problems (student designed research projects)
- Third Year Courses:
- Employment skills
- Law related internship
- Fourth Year Courses:
- Advanced Employment Skills
- Law related internship
The emphasis is on college and career readiness as it relates to preparation for careers in the law using practical experiences with the Dallas community of law.
Course Goals
The purposes of the Law Cluster curriculum sequence includes:
- Nurturing interest in specific areas of law,
- Developing a basic understanding of law and legal concepts,
- Preparing students for careers in law,
- Exposing students to legal research methods,
- Developing independent study skills,
- Establishing professional networks within the legal community,
- Enriching and supporting the Government and American History curriculum,
- Preparing students to become informed and active participants in the American society
How does the Law Curriculum Differ from Academic Classes?
The law curriculum is based on creating hands on experiences with the Dallas legal community to acquaint students with the skills and practical rigors of preparing for and establishing a career in law.
What is the Link to College and Career Readiness?
Law Cluster students learn the following skills which prepare them for success in the collegiate classroom and in their eventual careers:
- Research Goal Setting and Achievement
- Reading and Writing Planning and Time Management
- Analysis
- Logic and Problem Solving
- Application of knowledge
- First Year Courses: