R. Messerschmitt
Email: rmesserschmitt@dallasisd.org
B.A. in Biology/Secondary Education - University of Pennsylvania
75 additional credits in Art, Journalism, PhotographyMeet the Teacher B202 for Studio Art II and AP Art
5:00-6:30pm Wednesday August 24
All assignments are accessible 24/7 on google classroom.
You can email, ask questions and send in your work.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9454668428?pwd=Uy85VnVOM3VhUmxoNllIV0RMSTl0UT09
Zoom Meeting ID: 945 466 8428
Zoom Passcode: art
To sign into Google Classroom, please find your Google class code listed below. If you are having trouble please look for instructions and video below.
AP ART 2D, 3D, Drawing Period 1 4b6476m
AP ART 2D, 3D, Drawing Period 3 714polb
AP ART 2D, 3D, Drawing Period 4 6hktsxv
Studio Art II Period 5 naslair
Studio Art II Period 6 ztxswdp
Studio Art II Period 7 lgqsdd3
Studio Art II Period 8 t2rlk63
You can always reach me through DISD email at rmesserschmitt@dallasisd.org. If you are having difficulty please email, have a friend email me if you can not and I will find the resources for you.
The Online Instructional Information on the toolbar to the far right will help you with where to log in, password reset, and general information.
* Click on "Student Sign In"
Access your digital textbook through DISD Clever .
1.Use your Google (DISD email) to log in - do not use personal email address
2. Click on the Davis Digital Sync widget
3. Click on books
4. Click on "The Visual Experience"
Username: ID# Password: Your choice when you reset the password.
Username: ID#
Password: Whatever you reset it to
*** It is important to add a forwarding email to your school account. This will allow you to reset your password if you ever forget it. Watch the video on how to do this. Video link here