• Make a Splash



    We hope everyone is enjoying a great vacation and we also hope you are continuing to encourage your child to read! 

    During your child’s school vacation, it is important for him/her to spend time reading and writing on a regular basis–whether they are a very beginning reader or a fluent reader. Try some of these suggestions for making your school-aged child’s summer full of literacy fun: Read more... 
    By clicking below, learn the expectations of what you child will learn at each grade level. 
    Here are a few Internet sites your child is familiar with that you can use at home:
    username: semosisd
    password: dallasisd
    username: bison
    password: Rosemont
    (No username and password is needed)
    (No username and password is needed)
    (No username and password is needed)
    (No username and password is needed)