• Welcome to the

    Kleberg Elementary School Library


    Reading is our Superpower

    Dear Parents/Guardians,

    All PK-5 students will visit the library for instruction and they will have the opportunity to check-out books.  We have library books in English and Spanish. 

    Please encourage and remind your child:

    • To enjoy reading, to ask questions, and to read every night.
    • To keep his/her book(s) in a safe place, away from younger siblings, pets, food, and liquids.
    • To never write or draw in the book(s).
    • To wash his/her hands before handling the book(s).

    Parents/guardians will be responsible for paying for books that are lost or damaged.   

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

    Kleberg Elementary Media Specialist

    Deborah Sims

    Email: debsims@dallasisd.org

    Phone: 972-749-6518