This multimedia database consists of current events, local and global issues and pop culture.  Some of the databases included are:  American Government, American History, World History, and World Geography.

     American Indian   Tex_Quest
    Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers right up to photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century.
     America West Tex_Quest
    From early topographical sketches and pioneers’ accounts, to photographs of Buffalo Bill and his ‘Wild West’ stars, explore the fact and the fiction of westward expansion in America from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. 
    BrainPop   BrainPop
    Access educational animated movies for grades K-5 to explain concepts in a voice and visual style that is accessible and entertaining to both children and adults. Also includes interactive quizzes and games, comic strips and experiments. 
    Username/Password: See your librarian

    Encyclopedia Britannica   Tex_Quest
    Search Level-Appropriate Reference Articles, Journals and Magazines, the Web's Best Sites, Multimedia, and Curriculum Content.

    Britannica Escolar Online Tex_Quest
    Provides a Spanish Elementary Encyclopedia with 2,000 articles, images, Spanish-language videos, and Spanish Learning Materials specifically designed for younger students.

    Capstone Interactive library
    Capstone Interactive Library (CIL) enhanced eBooks are interactive, browser-based, digital books that feature easy navigation tools and enhanced content that supports readers of all types and ages.
    Check with your librarian to see if your campus has a subscription.

    Newspaper in Education
    Dallas Newspaper In Education (NIE)
    Dallas Morning News has a free, complete, online newspaper for students and staff of Dallas ISD.  Access the newspaper 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Teachers sign-up for NIE for FREE!

    Browse our extensive collection of eBooks in our District. All are compatible with web enabled devices. If prompted, use your student ID number as your username and the last four digits of your ID number as your password. Happy Reading!

    Ebsco Host Research Database
    EBSCO Host Research Databases offers a broad range of full text and bibliographic databases designed for K-12 students including Explora, Literary School Reference Center, Science Reference Center.

     Gale Database Tex_Quest
    Including Academic OneFile, Science In Context, Informe Academico, and many more.  Gale Virtual Reference Library offers you an online collection of premier reference eBooks. You can search a single eBook or across your library's entire eBook collection.   This database also includes ASCDs collection of professional eBooks.

    Handbook of Texas Online
    The Handbook of Texas Online
    The Handbook of Texas Online is a multidisciplinary encyclopedia of Texas history, geography, and culture sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association.
    Digital Archive of 356 African American video oral history interviews is available online for the first time on a test basis to registered users. This archive includes 16243 stories from over 833 hours of video.

    Image Quest
    Image Quest
    Quality images which can be used for art projects, presentations, class assignments, websites etc.  Find images related to art, science, history, technology, maps, education and much more.

    International Children's Digital Library
    International Children's Digital Library
    The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.

    Is there a book you loved and would like to read more just like it?  Are you looking for lesson ideas preparing a book study

    Power Videos
    PowerVideos enables educators to enhance the learning experiences of all students through the delivery of exceptional content from top educational publishers. 
    Check with your librarian to see if your campus has a subscription.

    Tex_Quest   Teaching Books
    TeachingBooks.net is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. Hear books read by the author, listen to the author talk about their books,  view book guides, and lesson plans.

     USHM  US Holocaust Memorial Museum Database The database contains thousands of fully cataloged lists and other name sources.  
    Worldbook Encyclopedia
    Tap into online homework help you can trust. World Book information follows school curriculum.  World book includes Dramatic Learning (plays and readers’ theater), Science Power, Discoveries and Inventions, and Early World of Learning (nursery rhymes, songs, & games for Pre-K and K).