Phone: 469-844-0433


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Chemistry B.S. Biology MEd-Instructional Design (in Progress)

Ms. Davis



 Welcome students to Astronomy and Environmental Systems. I will be your teacher for the year. I have been teaching for six years and this is my third year here at Seagoville High School. I graduated from Sam Houston State University with dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry and Biology. I am currently in a graduate program at Western Govenors University working on a Masters in Instructional Design. I am excited to see everyone's smiling faces. 




    Welcome to Seagoville High School!

    I am Ms. Davis and this is Astronomy and Environmental Systems. It is going to be a great year, we are starting off with our class with in-person learning with lots of interactive online activities and assignments. We will use Google Classroom for notes, powerpoints, class information, and turning in assignments and projects. We will occasionally use Zoom for our online class meetings. Because we are still in a digital era, I have created a digital interactive notebook that we will use during our live sessions. I have also created a class website for my students and their parents where the majority of our class information, links to resources, and our class materials are located. I will place the links to our class website, Google Classroom, and our class Zoom links here on the school's website. Please use these links to access student work, information for parents and students, class meetings, class resources such as powerpoints, notes, and pre-recorded lectures. We will also use a digital notebook for note-taking purposes also located on the class website. Parents, the website is also a way for me to keep in contact with you, and a way for you to be kept up to date with the progression of our class. I have placed helpful links and resources for technical assistance and guidance on the class website. Together we will have a great year the dragon way! 


    Ms. Amy Davis

    Astronomy/Environmental Systems Teacher

    Seagoville High School

     Amy Davis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Amy Davis' Zoom Meeting
    Time: Jan 7, 2022 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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