Student Work
1.Student work can be accessed via Google Classroom. Google Classroom can be acessed through Clever. You can acess Clever through this link: https://clever.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&state=93009aa84682e9faa5fb5c259cc3ec7c45e692a0e6d28ecf61db59cf8532c478&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclever.com%2Fin%2Fauth_callback&client_id=4c63c1cf623dce82caac&confirmed=true&channel=clever&district_id=56f92329ef71bf01000001d4
2. Students should check Google classroom before the start of each school day.
3. **Attendance will be taken daily.** Teachers will use assignment completion to check your child's progress and participation.
4. It should take students the same amount of time to complete work as it would on a regular school day.
5. Students are expected to keep their daily school schedule of classes and work.
6. Students are expected to turn in work by the deadline given by teachers.