• Parents, click below for the latest information!

    If your Chromebooks need repairs over the summer, please call 972-925-5630.

    You will key in your student ID number and then choose option 3. 

    You will explain your issue. If necessary you will make an appointment to drop off the computer for repair.

    If you are having issues with your Chromebook, do not wait, call and make your appointment now!


    How to login to PowerSchool and Email

    DISD At-Home Learning Plans

    One Access Student Password

    To log into Chromebooks follow these instructions:

    • The user name is your student ID number. Example: 1234567
    • Your password is a capital S followed by your student ID number Example: S1234567
    • If that doesn't work, please contact the help desk by clicking the password reset link below. 

    Password resets