• The Black Student Union (BSU)  is an organization dedicated to creating a culturally diverse space for students. With all of the racial tension happening in our world today and movements such as the Black Lives Matter movement, we feel it is important to discuss in school what is happening in our world and create a space for students to voice their opinions and feelings.

    We plan on having events throughout the year such as karaoke night, movie night, and different drives to help give back to our community. Another goal we want to focus on this year is making sure students, specifically, seniors who are 18, know the importance of voting and how it affects our communities and daily lives. All Americans should make use of their voice and vote for what they think is best for our country’s future and there couldn’t be a better time than now to prove that. 

    To wrap this up, BSU has been a highly notable committee at Booker T. for years now serving the BIPOC community and now that the club fair has come back around, it’s time to recruit new members. If you want to see change and make change, BSU is the perfect place for you. 

    President Brandon Spigner & VP Zion Melaku
