(972) 794-7500
Thank you for coming to the Travis TAG 2021 Virtual Open House!
While there will be a short information meeting, this Open House is primarily self-paced.
Each grade level team and electives/specials has a link to view more information about them, where you can also participate in Q&As with our exceptional teachers.
Please feel free to look at as much as you like.
Each Grade Level and the Specials/ Electives Department will have 2 Q&A meetings, starting at 5:30pm & 6:00pm.
General Information Meeting (November 16, 2021):
Topic: Travis TAG OPEN HOUSE
Time: Nov 16, 2021 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 2384 2141
Passcode: Travis
Before You Leave:
Please take the time to fill out our Information and Inquiry Form. If you have questions that weren't answered tonight or need clarification, please put them in this form.
CLICK HERE!-> https://forms.gle/GGajp8ZFCH7f6oiY7