Parent Involvement


    Involved parents are a fundamental aspect of successful students. There are a lot of ways to get involved and most do not require you to be at the school during the day. Working together, parents make a huge difference at Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School. Think about your talents and gifts and share them with us. We are always looking and seeking those parents that want to make a difference in our community and at our school. We are always looking for awesome volunteers throughout the year. When the time and event match your availability, step up, help out and have fun!


    Please contact either officer about joining PTSA

    Membership Dues are $10


    PTSA Board

     President – president@irmarangelptsa.org

      Vice President – vicepresident@irmarangelptsa.org

     Secretary -  secretary@irmarangelptsa.org

     Treasurer   treasurer@irmarangelptsa.org
    - Parliamentarian -   


    Please visit our website


     Follow us on Facebook and Twitter





